Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Around here, they do "Trick-or-Treat Street" in downtown Evergreen, since it's hard to do a lot of door-to-door trick-or-treating. He got lots of comments on his lion costume (thank you, Grandma Kozel!). He even gave out an occasional "ROAR" to people walking by while trick-or-treating. He seemed to have a really good time (and apparently loves M&M's and Twix).


  1. Way to go Grandma- another fabulous costume.....BTW, keep that lion pattern on the side- Josie's trying to convince everyone we're ALL dressing as the cast of The Wizard of Oz next year. Ben's okay with the whole "flying monkey" idea, and for some reason I was granted the role of the Wicked Witch of the West ( did that happen?). She thinks Josh would make a good Cowardly Lion- but I'm not sure he'll go for it....
