Monday, November 29, 2010

Phil and Jenny's Wedding: Oct 23, 2010

The weekend of Oct 23rd, we all got to go to Phil (Brian's cousin) and Jenny's wedding in Chicago. It was a beautiful wedding and a great weekend with family!

The morning after we arrived, Christopher got to have breakfast with his Grandma and Gramps at the hotel.

Making silly faces for Uncle Steve...

If I do say so myself, Christopher looked very handsome in his suit!

He was a bit of a wild man in his suit, though. He was in constant motion all day and night of the wedding!!

Christopher and his cousins (Josh, Josie and Ben) got to do some treat-or-treating at the hotel (knocking on family members' doors). He was a monkey (appropriately chosen costume) this year - his adorable costume was made by Grandma Kozel. Thanks, Grandma!!

Enjoying some chocolate-covered strawberries at the reception. Let's be honest. He ate the chocolate, not the strawberries.

Gettin' down on the dance floor with Aunt Bonnie and Ben...

Admiring Gramps' tie (the tie is covered with pictures of all the grandkids)...

Spearing some pineapple before dinner was served...

A moment of down-time after treat-or-treating and before heading to the wedding...

Knocking on a door during trick-or-treating at the hotel...

Our little monkey man...

Aunt Bonnie is a great storyteller...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Thumbs up for the big boy!!

Christopher has done a great job potty training!! We started Wednesday (admittedly, the first couple days were a little rough), but he's a good 95% potty trained now. We're so proud of him!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sticker crazy

His style of putting stickers on a coloring page is a bit excessive. He gets so many on the page, that they end up hanging off the edges. And just when you think there couldn't possibly be any more room for stickers, would does he say? "More stickers, please, momma..."

Just my size!

We've been waiting and waiting to pick these pumpkins from our garden - until they looked a bit less green, but...we couldn't wait any longer, for fear of them freezing at night. So...they didn't turn out quite as big or quite as orange as we were hoping, but that's ok...they're just Christopher's size!