Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Talking with Christopher is a lesson in overly expressive conversation...

What's normal for a 3 year old... unlikely to be normal for anyone else. He fell asleep for his nap wearing black gloves (refused to take them off for nap time), clutching his new Batman toy. He will often take a toy to bed with him to hold (either nap time or bed time) and this is not the first time he wore gloves during a nap.

Birthday Season

March has been full of birthdays (which means lots of birthday parties and lots of birthday cake!) About a week and a half ago, we got to go to cousin Isaiah's 6th birthday party and had a lot of fun! We're not entirely sure why he took this pose. He was waiting in line outside, playing a racing game with the kids. Rolling the shirt up and sticking out his belly had absolutely nothing to do with the game.
Watching the big boys play Mario Kart on Wii...
Playing legos among a sea of girls...
Trying his hand at the Mario Kart Wii game...
And this is at his friend, Caydan's (green shirt) birthday party. These three boys are just days/weeks apart in age.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Party Time!

We got to celebrate Christopher's birthday today with some of his (and our) friends. With the sun out, it was nice enough to play on the deck a little...

Pizza time. Christopher spent more time laughing than eating...
Gathering to open presents...
Sometimes, you need a little help from a friend to get the gift open...
Beginning to gather to sing "Happy Birthday"...

Practicing blowing out the candle (minus the cake)...
The traditional Kozel birthday cake, of course...

Digging in to yet another cupcake...
We love you so very much, Christopher, and hope you had a great birthday!

Christopher's 3rd Birthday

Hard to believe it, but our baby's three years old! He had a great day! We all got to spend the day together. It started by opening a couple presents...
Followed by a breakfast of champions...donuts...with sprinkles, of course...
Followed by opening an obscene amount of presents throughout the day...
This card is as big as I am!

He got to have lunch at quite possibly his favorite place to dine - "the chicken nugget slide place," also known as McDonald's (with an indoor PlayPlace).
Enjoying the PlayPlace...
Happy to have a cupcake after dinner (the only cupcake allowed to be eaten before his party the next day)...
Finishing out the day by opening the last of his presents. What a haul!
He really had a great day - thanks to all of you for thinking of him!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Almost 70 degrees and only halfway through March? We're off to the zoo!

Last time we were at the zoo, he was a little scared of being this close to the lions...not this time...
Checking out the elephants...

Checking out the bird exhibit (an indoor exhibit, but he refused to take off his sunglasses)...

Checking out the gorillas...

Goofin' around on the drums...

I think we've said trip to the zoo is complete without ice cream. This is Christopher trying to explain to me why he shouldn't have to share the ice cream cone and that I should get my own...


He offered the peacock some of his ice cream (oh sure, share with the peacock and not Mom)...

You know it's a good day when this is what he looks like at the end...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Three shirts

He put on three layers of shirts. Why? Because four would be a bit excessive, don't you think?

"I'm just helping"

Brian was replacing my sideview mirror (because as he tells Christopher, "Mommy is prone to hitting inanimate objects with her car") and Christopher decided help was needed. What he lacks in helpfulness, he makes up for in enthusiasm.

He found a pair of my gloves in the car and decided "work gloves" were needed for the job.

"Are you questioning my methods here, mom?"

What about replacing a sideview mirror requires digging in nearby dirt with a drill? Don't have the first clue.

"I think I hear my name being called. Someone needs me...there is more work to be done!"