Sunday, May 30, 2010


We finally put sand in Christopher's sandbox and he's been playing with it ever since. This turned out to be a good "distraction" so Brian could actually get the vegetable gardens done, despite Christopher trying very hard to help him.

And yet again today, Christopher refused to take his nap without getting to take Daddy's chapstick with him. This time, it looked like he may have actually fallen asleep while putting on just one more layer...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Daddy's little helper

Brian is building a couple raised garden beds to plant a small vegetable garden in the back of our house. Christopher was beside himself with joy at getting to "be a big help" to Daddy.

Christopher is showing Daddy that he has a shovel, too (albeit, a green plastic sandbox one, but it'll work).

As Brian was raking the dirt, so was Christopher (with his blue plastic sandbox rake).
Then, joy of all joys, Christopher got to use one of Daddy's tools, definitely not made of plastic. "That's heavy," he said.
Taking a moment to rest, after doing all this hard work with Daddy.

He looked so little using the "big boy" rake, but he sure was determined to do it just like Daddy does.

A tree had fallen on a part of the fence behind our house - he's sitting on it, goofing around.

When the day was done, he was exhausted and ready for his nap. In his left hand is the lid to Brian's chapstick and in his right hand is the chapstick. He absolutely would NOT lay down for his nap unless he got to take Daddy's chapstick (which he's been smearing all over his face and shoving in his pocket all day) with him. Don't worry, the choking hazard was removed once the picture was taken.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Our 1st picnic of the year...

This past Friday, we had a family picnic. Christopher started off with some buttery pasta...

Then quickly channeled his inner Blakley (chips!!)...

And what picnic is complete without ice cream for dessert?

"Airplane, daddy!"

Time to burn off some of that ice cream energy...

Ended the afternoon by skipping stones in the water...

Chocolate donuts for breakfast?

Don't hold me back!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Eating lunch

I was eating some ramen for lunch today and Christopher reached over and helped himself to some, saying he wanted "to eat the snakes, too." So, he did.

Thanks for the mohawk, Dad. I'm silly!
It's a sheer miracle that this boy is eating fresh fruit. Seriously.

It's a jungle out there...

"Hiding" among the pillows and "wild" animals...


"I go on my tummy," he says, "watch."