Sunday, January 31, 2010

Potty chair adventures...

We just got Christopher a potty chair, since he's coming up on his 2nd birthday and we figured he could start to get familiar with it, so that when the time comes to actually begin potty training, it's maybe not such a foreign idea. (Some of you experienced parents may be laughing already). He thinks it's quite a fun "toy" and wants to sit on it quite a bit. Usually fully clothed. And this afternoon, with his guitar. When he decided that he was finished, he gave the guitar a turn. He looked at me like "See, Mom...the guitar goes pee pee, too." Oh, boy.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

No, Christopher...

...Truman does not enjoy it when you pretend that he's a pony.

Our little entertainer...

Christopher has recently advanced from straight-forward guitar playing to playing the guitar while singing into a "microphone," which is actually the handle of his toy vacuum. We're not sure exactly how this started, but we think it's because he watched a band playing on TV the other night. He carries his guitar in one hand and the vacuum in the other all over the house, looking for the right spot to perform. He'll even hand us each a piece of wooden rail road track to use as microphones and sing with him. If we start singing too loudly, he takes our "microphones" away and moves his performance elsewhere. You wouldn't believe how much fun we're having with this.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

Christopher had a great Christmas! We got to visit grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in Indiana. It was 10 days of him enjoying being spoiled rotten and spending quality time with lots of family.

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